Innovative Microbiome Engineering for Regenerative
and Climate-Resilient Sustainable Agriculture

Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can influence plant growth, development, and disease suppression through one or more direct or indirect mechanisms. The role of the rhizosphere is essential for promoting plant growth, nutrition, and quality due to the importance of plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere, carbon uptake, nutrient cycling, and ecosystem function. Additionally, the rhizosphere is the site of communication between plant roots and beneficial rhizobacteria for energy and nutrition. With the increasing global population, food self-sufficiency has become an urgent need. This has driven research and application of PGPR and its derivative products.
Sustainable agricultural production, maintaining environmental quality, agroecosystem function, and biodiversity are significant challenges for current farming practices. Conventional chemical inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, and other inputs can pose serious threats to plant productivity, soil fertility, and the nutritional value of agricultural products. Given these risks, pest and disease management, maintaining agroecosystem health, and avoiding health problems for humans and animals have become top priorities. One solution to avoid the negative impacts of chemical inputs is through the restoration of soil microbiomes and the provision of functional rhizobacteria in an effort to maintain soil and environmental quality.
Increased agricultural productivity to meet the challenges of the growing global population and food self-sufficiency can be achieved through the application of beneficial rhizobacteria capable of enhancing plant growth under ideal and stressful conditions. Technology development to study microbial ecology can improve our understanding of the use of active phytochemicals produced by soil microbiomes for increasing root colonization capacity, plant growth, and biological control.
The 2nd Asian PGPR Indonesia Chapter International Conference on “Innovative Microbiome Engineering for Regenerative and Climate-Resilient Sustainable Agriculture” with exciting topics includes PGPR in crop production, pest and disease control, soil microbiomes and plant biostimulants, PGPR-plant interactions, PGPR as a tool for mitigating climate change, commercialization of PGPR as biopesticides, biofertilizers, and biostimulants. All knowledgeable and experienced researchers, academics, practitioners, and professionals from around the world can come together as a scientific unity.
The 2nd Asian PGPR Indonesia Chapter International Conference is to be held for a knowledge-sharing platform and to build discussion platform for various stakeholders includes academics, policy makers, practitioners, and professionals. This conference will be a scientific forum to unite ideas, visions, missions, and develop the right strategies to face future changes and challenges.
Dates and Location
The 2nd Asian PGPR Indonesia Chapter International Conference will be held in Universitas Padjadjaran (Jatinangor campus) on 12-13 October, 2023.
Call for Abstracts:
Important Dates:
1. | Early Bird Registration | August 1-14, 2023 |
2. | Regular Registration | August 15 – September 15 2023 |
3. | Abstract submission deadline | August 31, 2023 |
4. | Full paper submission | September 30, 2023 |
5. | Payment Deadline | September 30, 2023 |
6. | Conference Date | October 12-13, 2023 |
Registration Fees:
Non-Unpad Student IDR 500K
General Audience/Academics/Researcher IDR 750-800K
Unpad Faculty Member IDR 500K
Unpad Student IDR 350-400K
Additional paper IDR 300K/additional paper
Audience/Regular Participant IDR 250K
The expected participants in this conference will be lecturers, researchers, practitioners, entrepreneurs, as well as those who have a connection to the environment and sustainable agricultural practices.
The selected manuscripts (extended abstract, full paper) will be published in the IOP Proceedings (Scopus indexed) and Scopus-indexed Journals (Sains Tanah, Scopus Q3), Agrikultura (Sinta 2), Kultivasi (Sinta 2), SoilREns (Sinta 4). More journals will be added.
Paper Selection
Every submitted publication will be selected by the Conference’s Scientific Team based on several criteria, including:
• Relevance to the seminar theme
• Quality of writing and research results
• Novelty of the selected topic or field
• Compliance with the writing format.
- Identifying opportunities and challenges for the application of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for Regenerative and Climate-Resilient Sustainable Agriculture.
- Building networks among academics, researchers, companies, and agricultural practitioners.
- A platform for knowledge-sharing on the latest innovations and findings on the latest applications of PGPR in agriculture.
- PGPR and others microbials for sustainable agriculture, forestry, horticulture, organic and urban farming
- PGPR’s on climate change, water and energy use efficiency
- Prospects and commercial success of PGPR’s
- PGPR’s role in healthy food and security
- PGPR’s role in bioremediation & waste management
- PGPR for organic & natural farm use in ecotourism
- Microbiome engineering
- PGPR in Ethno-biofertilizer (local wisdom-based biofertilizer)
- PGPR as soil conditioners and growth booster
- PGPR role in plant pest and pathogen management
Steering Committee
Rector of Universitas Padjadjaran
Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran
Chairman of the Asian PGPR Society : Prof. M. S. Reddy (USA)
President, Asian PGPR Indonesia Chapter : Dr. Sarjia Antonius (BRIN)
Organizing Chair : Prof. Dr. Tualar Simarmata
Secretary General : Prof. Dr. Ir. Betty Natalie Fitriatin
Convenors : Prof. Dr. Ir. Hj. Hersanti
Prof. Ir. Tarkus Suganda
Prof. Dr. Reginawanti Hindersah
Organizing Committee (Unpad LC)
Chairperson : Dr. Nadia Nuraniya Kamaluddin
Vice Chairperson : Dr. Endah Yulia
Secretariat : Dr. Fitri Widiantini
Rara Rahmatika Risanti, MP.
Treasurers : Dr. Sri Hartati
Dr. Pujawati Suryatmana
Scientific Committee : Dr. Noor Istifadah
Dr. Ir. Luciana Djaya
Prof. Mieke Rochimi Setiawati
Prof. Dr. Reginawanti Hindersah
Event Division : Dr. Anne Nurbaity
Dr. Diyan Herdiyantoro
Dr.rer.nat. Ir. Suseno Amien
Yeni Wispa Dewi, S.P.
Aliya Zahrah, S.Si
Prof. Dr. Tualar Simarmata, Professor of Soil Biology and Biotechnology, Universitas Padjajaran
Dr. Abdul Gafur, Sinarmas Forestry Corporate R&D Advisory Board
Prof. Loekas Susanto, Jenderal Soedirman University
Dr Anto Budiharjo, Diponogoro University
Dr. Arinafril, Sriwijaya University
Dr. Rumela Simarmata, RC Biotechnology-LIPI
Dr. Etty Pratiwi, AARD, Dept. of Agriculture
Markus Susanto, BSF Industry
Dr.Yulmira Yanti, Assoc. Prof of Andalas University
Dr.rer.nat Zahra Noviana, Research center for Applied Microbiology, BRIN
Nur Laili, Research center for Applied Microbiology, BRIN
Dr. Supriyono Loekito, Great Giant Food Lampung
Prof Adi Pancoro, ITB, Astra Agro Lestari
Dr. Neo Indra Lelana, Research center for Applied Microbiology, BRIN
Dr. Ni Luh Suriani, UNUD, Bali
Contact Hub : Nadia
Aliya (082121416540)