The current climate change is one of the causes that can affect land or agricultural productivity. This of course has a big impact on the sustainability of the agricultural sector, especially on food availability. Decreasing fertility and land quality causes agricultural productivity to decline. The decline in agricultural productivity will have an impact on food security, which is one of the pillars of national resilience.
On the other hand, the increasingly narrow agricultural land area driven by the increase in population also has an impact on the difficulty of fulfilling food commodities. Therefore, agricultural problems have become very complex because they relate to people’s livelihoods now and in the future.
Smart farming is expected to be one solution to overcoming limited land in Indonesia. Smart farming is a method based on artificial intelligence technology that aims to make work easier in the agricultural sector. Smart agriculture applies various cutting-edge technologies such as sensors, internet of things (IoT), big data analysis, robotics and artificial intelligence in agricultural processes. These various technologies are expected to be able to increase agricultural efficiency, productivity and sustainability.
Implementation of smart farming is an important aspect in Indonesia, especially in facing climate change which has an impact on food crops and horticulture. Smart agriculture aims to increase agricultural yields, reduce production costs, and reduce the risk of crop damage due to plant pests and abiotic stress, as well as supporting sustainable farmers.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and robots will be able to carry out various tasks in agriculture effectively and efficiently with a much better level of precision than humans, thereby providing the best crop yields. By combining forces Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), there are many potential innovative and smart solutions that can be created to overcome various challenges in various fields including Agriculture. With this sophisticated technology, farmers will find it easier to carry out agricultural activities. It will be easier for them to monitor and control agricultural equipment, land conditions, and the needs needed to support crop yields.
The summer course is intended as a disciplinary approach to increasing agricultural production through the introduction of smart agriculture/Smart farming for sustainable agriculture. This activity is also one of a series of activities within the framework of the celebration Anniversary of the Faculty of Agriculture – Unpad the 65th year. Summer course for these 5 days, organized by Faculty of Agriculture – Padjadjaran University, Wageningen University, IPB University, & Telkom University. This activity adopts a teaching format hybrid, where most participants were present physically (face to face) and some participants (especially international) in person virtual/online.
The program of Summer Course is intended to:
(a) Understand the basic importance of implementation smart farming in supporting agriculture;
(b) Increase activity participants’ knowledge of the importance of using technology smart farming in the agricultural world;
(c) Improve knowledge more about the application of technology smart farming which will be discussed in theoretical and practical lectures;
(d) Improve knowledge about the implementation of smart farming in facing the effects of climate change;
Participants are expected to gain several benefits:
1) Building a network between students, educators and researchers who are able to work together to design solutions to agricultural problems related to climate change;
2) Provide opportunities for participants to present innovations, findings, best practices, concerns and solutions according to the theme summer course This;
3) Encouraging dialogue between students, educators and researchers together to solve solutions for adapting to climate change and its impact on the agricultural sector.
International Summer Course Unpad (ICSU) in 2024 is a
hybrid lecture program organized by Faculty of Agriculture – Padjadjaran
University by collaborating with, Wageningen University, IPB University, &
Telkom University. This program will include activities in the form of
theoretical lectures, practical training, and field visits to agricultural
locations. There are three main activities in this program, such as:
(a) Mini Lecturer
It is a form of classroom learning with lecturers and
(b) Excursions
Field visits will be held to several agricultural practices that has
implemented the concept smart farming from the simplest and small scale to the
most sophisticated and large scale.
The following topics will be covered in this interdisciplinary course:
- Precision farming – learn about advanced techniques and technologies used in precision farming, including remote sensing, GIS, and data analytics. Explore how these tools optimize agricultural practices for improved productivity and sustainability.
- Data algorithms and analytics – explore the role of big data analytics and machine learning techniques in analyzing agricultural data, such as animal and crop health monitoring, yield prediction, and pest detection. Acquire hands-on experience with machine learning algorithms and their practical applications in smart farming.
- System dynamics and social network analysis – understand the social system dynamics and network structures that influence the adoption and diffusion of smart farming practices. Learn how to model and simulate complex agricultural systems to understand their behavior better and optimize decision-making. Gain insights into how to promote the adoption of new technologies within farming communities.
- Economics of smart farming – delve into the economic aspects of smart farming, including cost-benefit analysis, partial budgeting, simulations models and efficiency. Understand the potential for economic growth and sustainability in the implementation of smart farming technologies.
Day | Time | Topic | Activities | Potential lecturers |
Monday morning | 08:00-08:15 | Opening | WUR:Prof. Henk Hogeveen UNPAD:Dean of Faculty of Agriculture (Dr. Ir., Meddy Rachmadi, MP) | Monday morning |
| 08:15-10:00 | Students’ experience with smart farming and expectations from the course | Each students prepares 1 slide with an example of smart farming | WUR: Prof. Henk Hogeveen |
| 10:00-10:15 | Coffee break |
| 10:15-11:15 | Precision farming, interdisciplinarity and Smart-in-Ag | Lecture | IPB: Prof. Dr. Ir. Iskandar Zulkarnaen Siregar, M. For.Sc |
| 11:15-12:00 | Theories and examples of Smart farming | Lecture | IPB: Prof. Dr. Ir. Iskandar Zulkarnaen Siregar, M. For.Sc |
| 12:00-13:00 | Lunch |
Monday afternoon | 13:00-15:00 | Defining and designing your own interdisciplinary smart farming application | Group work | WUR: Prof. Henk Hogeveen IPB: Prof. Dr. Ir. Iskandar Zulkarnaen Siregar, M. For.Sc |
| 15:00-15:15 | Poster presentation on smart farming applications and closing remarks | Each group presents a poster (5 min per group) | WUR: Prof. Henk Hogeveen IPB: Prof. Dr. Ir. Iskandar Zulkarnaen Siregar, M. For.Sc |
| 15.15-15.30 | Coffee Break |
| 15:30-16:00 | Explaining the excursions’ assignment | WUR: Prof. Henk Hogeveen IPB: Prof. Dr. Ir. Iskandar Zulkarnaen Siregar, M. For.Sc | 15:30-16:00 |
| Afterwards | Welcome dinner |
Tuesday morning | 08:00-10:00 | Introduction to data algorithms and analytics – big data analytics, machine learning, deep learning, generative AI | Lecture | WUR: Prof. Dr. Ir. Bedir Tekinerdogan |
| 10:00-10:15 | Coffee break |
| 10:15-12:00 | Application of data analytics (smart technologies) in Indonesian agriculture | Lecture | Telkom University: Giva Andriana Mutiara, S.T., M.T., Ph.D |
| 12:00-13:00 | Lunch |
Tuesday afternoon | 13:00-15:15 | Applications of data analytics and machine learning to smart farming | Group work | WUR: Prof. Dr. Ir. Bedir Tekinerdogan Telkom University: Giva Andriana Mutiara, S.T., M.T., Ph.D |
| 15.15-15.30 | Coffee Break |
15:30-16:00 | Poster presentation on applications of data analytics and machine learning to smart farming | Each group presents a poster (5 min per group) | WUR: Prof. Dr. Ir. Bedir Tekinerdogan Telkom University: Giva Andriana Mutiara, S.T., M.T., Ph.D : | 15:30-16:00 |
Wednesday morning | 07:00-09:00 | Trip Jatinangor – Lembang | Habibi Garden | |
| 09:00-12:00 | Garden visits and discussions |
| 12:00-13:00 | Lunch |
Wednesday afternoon | 13:00-14:00 | Lembang trip | Amazing Farm | PT Moments Agriculture |
| 14:00-17:00 | Garden visits and discussions |
| 17:00 | Trip Lembang – Jatinangor |
Thursday morning | 08:00-10:00 | Systems thinking | Lecture | WUR: Prof. Dr. Spencer Moore Jr. |
| 10:00-10:15 | Coffee break |
| 10:15-12:00 | Social systems, social network analysis and the adoption of smart farming applications | Lecture | UNPAD: Prof. Dr. Tomy Perdana, SP., MM., CPLM., CSCM |
| 12:00-13:00 | Lunch |
Thursday afternoon | 13:00-15:15 | System thinking and the social system of your smart farming application | Group work | UNPAD: Prof. Dr. Tomy Perdana, SP., MM., CPLM., CSCM WUR: Prof. Dr. Spencer Moore Jr. |
| 15.15-15.30 | Coffee Break |
| 15:30-16:00 | Poster presentation on system thinking and the social system of your smart farming application and closing remarks | Each group presents a poster (5 min per group) | UNPAD: Prof. Dr. Tomy Perdana, SP., MM., CPLM., CSCM WUR: Prof. Dr. Spencer Moore Jr. |
Friday morning | 08:00-09:30 | General principles of the economics of smart farming | Lecture | WUR: Prof. Dr. Ir. Henk Hogeveen |
| 9:30-11:00 | Economic methods: partial budgets, simulation models and efficiency | Lecture | UNPAD: Prof. Dr. Maman Setiawan, SE., MT (FE) |
| 11:00-13:30 | Friday prayers and lunch |
Friday afternoon | 13:00-15:00 | Applications of partial budgeting, simulations models and efficiency | Group work | WUR:Prof. Dr. Mr. Henk Hogeveen UNPAD: Prof. Dr. Maman Setiawan, SE., MT (FE) |
| 15.15-15.30 | Coffee Break |
| 15:00-15:30 | Poster presentation on the economics of smart farming | Each group presents a poster (5 min per group) | WUR:Prof. Dr. Ir. Henk Hogeveen UNPAD: Prof. Dr. Maman Setiawan, SE., MT (FE) |
| 15:30-16:00 | General closing remarks summer course | WUR:Prof. Dr. Ir. Henk Hogeveen UNPAD: Prof. Dr. Maman Setiawan, SE., MT (FE) | 15:30-16:00 |
Activity summer course This is delivered by professional teachers or experts in their fields as teaching lecturers (lectures) from various universities. These lecturers from various universities will discuss agricultural topics according to their expertise as follows:
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Henk Hogeveen (WUR)🡪 Farm Management (Business Economics)
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Bedir Tekinerdogan (WUR)🡪 Software/systems engineering and information technology
- Prof. Dr. Spencer Moore Jr. (WUR) 🡪 Social Network Analysis/System Thinking
- Prof. Dr. Tomy Perdana, SP., MM., CPLM., CSCM (FAPERTA-UNPAD)🡪 Agri Supply Chain and Logistics Management
- Prof. Dr. Maman Setiawan, SE., MT (FE-UNPAD)🡪 Econometrics and Industrial Economics
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Iskandar Zulkarnaen Siregar, M. For.Sc. (IPB)🡪 Forest Genetic Resources – Tree Improvement – Tropical Silviculture – Sustainability
- Giva Andriana Mutiara, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.(Telkom University)🡪 Embedded and Network System (ENS)
Date : 15th – 19 th July 2024
Venue : Padjadjaran University, Jatinangor, Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia
Jatinangor is a sub-district in Sumedang Regency, West Java Province. During the colonial period, Jatinangor was known as a plantation area. Currently, Jatinangor is known as one of the educational areas in West Java. The name of Jatinangor as the name of the new sub-district was used since the 2000s. Previously, this sub-district was named Cikeruh, whose name was taken from the name of the river that crossed the sub-district. Since 1987, Jatinangor has been designated by the Governor of West Java as an educational area. The academic activities of some tertiary institutions were gradually moved to Jatinangor starting in 1992. The seminar will be held at the Padjadjaran University Rectorate Building, Bale Sawala Room. For more intensive class activities, they can be carried out in the Bale Rucita room or the rectorate senate meeting room, lt. 1
Figure 1. Bale Rucita 1st floor of Unpad Rectorate
Regarding the excursion, not everything about the learning process can be presented in a class, therefore field activities (excursion) can accommodate the summer course participants to see directly where smart farming is implemented and how farmers solve problems in facing climate change. Through this activity the participants can see learning objects so that they are expected to be easier to understand. The participants will also get factual information, because they directly meet learning sources.
Figure 2. Habibi Garden
Apart from in-class learning activities summer course, it also aims to introduce culture, social and application smart farming in farmers by making field visits to Habibi Garden and Amazing Farm. This activity is designed as an educational activity as well as agricultural tourism recreation for participants summer course. This kind of learning process will provide a different experience for the participants. Apart from gaining knowledge, they will also gain new experiences for further learning.
Figure 3. PT Momenta Agricultura, Amazing Farm
- Understand the importance of interdisciplinarity in making impact with smart farming
- Apply the basics of methodologies used in various disciplines
- Integrate and evaluate these methodologies into a holistic and transdisciplinary approach
Registration: 1 April 2024 until 28 June 2024
Stages of participant registration:
Step 1. Register through the following link :
Step 2. Submission of curriculum vitae (CV) and letter of motivation (further information will be communicate via email)
Step 3. Notification of acceptance and confirmation of participation
The International Summer Course Unpad (ISCU) 2024 is a forum for educational/learning activities carried out during the summer holiday period which lasts for 5 days from 15 July to 19 July 2024. This activity will be published in offline form (Activity agenda poster & banner) and online (press release, website in the form of complete information about ICSU activities). Online it will also be published on Instagram and Unpad Agricultural YouTube, Unpad Faperta website, and KaMU which is an information media channel managed by the Public Communications Office (KKP) – Directorate of Governance, Legal and Communication – Padjadjaran University.
Advisor | : | Rector of Padjadjaran University: Prof. Dr. Rina Indiastuti, S.E., M.SIE. Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University: Dr. Meddy Rachmadi, Ir., M.S., |
Person responsible | : | Head of the Unpad Agricultural Socioeconomic Department: Dr. Ir. Hj. Dini Rochdiani, MP |
Technical Program Committee | ||
General Chairman | : | Dr. Zumi saidah, SP., M.Sc |
Secretary | : | Dr. Sulistyodewi Nur Wiyono, SP., MP. Agus Herdiana, SBA Nandang Nurjaman Dadang Subarna |
Treasurer | : | Dr. Endah Djuwendah, SP., M.Sc. |
PIC University | : | Dr. Eliana Wulandari, SP., MM. (UNPAD) Beshir Ali PhD. (WUR) Dr. Raden Dikky Indrawan, SP., MM (IPB) Muhammad Ikhsan Sani, ST, MT (Telkom University) |
Events/Materials | : | Dr. rer.pol. Ernah, SP., M.Sc. Dwi Novanda Sari, SP., M. Sc. Dika Supyandi, SP., MT., MDP. Dr. Eddy Renaldi, SP., ME. Dr. Iwan Setiawan, SP., M. Si. Dr. Ahmad Choibar Tridakusumah, SP., MP. |
Excursion | : | Sara Ratna Qanti, SP., SPd., MSc., Phd Dr. Gema Wibawa Mukti, SP., MP. Hesty Nurul Utami., SP., MM., Ph.D Mahra Arari, SP., MT. Dr. Ir. Trisna Insan Noor, DEA. Ir. M. Gunardi Judawinata, DEA. |
Promotion, Documentation, Web Site | : | Dr. Eka Purna Yudha SP., M.Si. Adi Nugraha, SP., M.Sc. Yosep Nian Wijaya Yovie Latiawan Sudrajat |
Invitations, Participant Registration, Certificates | : | Dr. Rani Andriani Budi Kusuma, SP., MSi. Dr. Agriani Hermita Sadeli, SP., ME. Dr. Ir. Tuti Karyani, MSP. |
News/Publications | : | Dr. Ir. Eti Suminartika, M.Si Dr. Ir. Sri Fatimah, MAB. Erna Rachmawati, SP., M.Sc |
Logistic and Supplies | : | Dr. Muhammad Arief Budiman SE., ME Pandi Pardian, ST., MBA. |
Meal Division | : | Dr. Nur Syamsiyah, SP., MP. Dr. Elly Rasmikayati, Dra, M.Sc Lisje Setiagustina, S.Si. |
Sponsorship | : | Dr. Ir. Hepi Hapsari, MS. Dr. Ir. Luciana Trimo, MSIE. Dr. Anne Charina S.P., M.T. |
The Unpad International Summer Course Committee (ICSU) invites companies, partners, organizations and individuals to contribute to this activity. Form support/sponsorship can be in the form of financial support, providing products or services, providing equipment or facilities, as well as other support that can help the summer course activities run smoothly. Several types of sponsorship can be done for seminars is as follows:
International Summer Course Unpad (ICSU) – 2024
a) Main sponsor : Support can be in the form of cash with some of the things that the main sponsor gets, namely logo placement, name mentions and opportunities to promote during the event. If there are other sponsors (participation sponsor), the placement of other sponsors will be smaller than the main sponsor.
b) Official sponsor Partner : providing support not only in the form of cash but in the form of objects that are appropriate to the type of business. So, support assistance at events can be in the form of gifts or door prizes. Official sponsors are also referred to as sponsor partner where sponsors can support an activity as official partners.
c) Technical Sponsor: providing support in the form of services or goods, or in the form of services. For example, covering costs for transportation, assistance with accommodation, food and drink, or others. Benefits of becoming a sponsor of activities Summer Course Program (SSP) Unpad :
● Exposing the sponsor logo on a short video about Unpad International Summer Course (ISCU) activities with a duration of 1 minute.
● Socialize Sponsor programs or companies to the international audience present the event.
● Placement of logo on material promotion such as brochures, backdrops, banners and others.
● Expressions of appreciation for sponsorship during opening and closing remarks by the MC
● Obtain event documentation results
Please refer to our contact person for further details about the International Summer Course Unpad (ISCU).
Contact persons for this proposal are:
Dwi Novanda Sari, M. Sc (
+(62) 813-1488-5146
That is the activity proposal International Summer Course Unpad (ISCU) year 2024 we made for. It is our great hope that you will be able to help and support both morally and materially for the smooth running of the Summer Course activities.