Kampus Fakultas Pertanian Unpad, Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang km 21 Jatinangor Sumedang 45363
The Master of Soil Science program is a Postgraduate Master program at the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran. This study program has an A accreditation according to the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) No. 4231/SK/BAN-PT/ASkred/M/XI/2017.

Become a Master Study Program that has excellence in innovation in sustainable dryland and paddy field management that is internationally recognized in 2024.

- Organizing education and teaching in a professional, accountable and aspirational manner towards local, national and international issues that excel in the field of dryland and paddy field management.
- Organizing innovative research in the management of dry land and sustainable paddy fields.
- Organizing community service in the management of dry land and sustainable paddy fields.
- Organizing collaborations with universities, industries, government and private agencies, the general public, and mass media, both at home and abroad.
- Disseminating research results and innovations through national and international scientific communication media.
- Implementing research results and innovations widely.

The Study Program has objectives that are designed by considering user needs and are compiled by involving the entire academic community together with stakeholders and alumni in formulating the Study Program Objectives and for further career development. This enables students to work professionally in relevant fields. The objectives are set as Program Educational Objectives (PEO) which refer to Permendikbud no 49/2014, National Higher Education Standards 2014 and Permenristek Dikti no 14/2015, namely to produce graduates who are able to:
- Manage the potential of dry land and paddy fields for optimal results.
- Develop creative thinking for quality research that can be disseminated and published nationally and internationally.
- Promote strategies to continue broadening horizons in long life learning.
- Build a wide and sustainable network of cooperation.
Soil Science