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Program Learning Outcome

  1. Able to show responsibility, self-confidence, ethics, discipline and have a spirit of leadership and lifelong learning based on the One True Godhead.
  2. Mastering the basic concepts, supporting technologies, current issues, and policies related to sustainable crop production systems and biobased industries.
  3. Able to determine and apply methods and technologies to support sustainable crop production systems and analyze the advantages and constraints of their application.
  4. Able to identify crop production problems and formulate solution strategies based on the analysis of relevant information and data.
  5. Able to design biological engineering and agroecology to support sustainable agricultural systems and biobased industries based on the analysis of relevant information and data.
  6. Able to plan and manage resources to support agricultural business in a sustainable manner.
  7. Able to plan and apply research methodologies according to the field of study interest and document, analyze and interpret data based on scientific procedures and ethics and describe the results in the form of a thesis / final project / scientific article.
  8. Able to work optimally independently and in a multidisciplinary team and develop a network of cooperation.
  9. Able to demonstrate the ability to think logically, critically, systematically and communicate them verbally and in writing in accordance with scientific ethics.


Modul Handbook

The compulsory subjects

  1. UNX01.007 – Pancasila
  2. UNX10.1016 – Religion Studies
  3. UNX01.004 – Indonesian Language
  4. UNX01.008 – Civic
  5. UNX01.006 – Cultivate Creativity and Entrepreneurship
  6. E10E.1001 – Introduction to Agroscience
  7. Fundamentals of Plant Science
  8. Agroecology
  9. KBLI
  10. Mathematics and Statistics
  11. Cell and Molecular Biology
  12. Fundamentals of Soil Science
  13. Fundamentals of Seed Technology
  14. Fundamentals of Plant Production Technology
  15. Fundamentals of Genetics
  16. Agricultural Microbiology
  17. Plant Pest and Disease
  18. Soil and Water Conservation
  19. Agricultural Biotechnology
  20. Water and Soil Management
  21. Plant Breeding Methods
  22. Soil Chemistry and Plant Nutrition
  23. Seed Production and Management
  24. Plant Production Technology Engineering
  25. Plant Protection Technology
  26. Experimental Design
  27. Land Evaluation
  28. Plant Production Technology Evaluation
  29. Harvest and Post-Harvest Management
  30. Environmental Toxicology and Agricultural Products
  31. Organic Agriculture System
  32. Sustainable Agriculture System
  33. Information Technology in Agriculture
  34. Current Technology in Agriculture
  35. MIPKI
  36. Community Service Program

Department of Plant Breeding Elective Courses

  1. Plant Genetic Resources
  2. Plant Breeding Management
  3. Molecular Plant Breeding
  4. Mutation Plant Breeding
  5. Plant Breeding Program Design
  6. Fundamentals of Quantitative Genetics
  7. Field and Laboratory Skills in Plant Breeding
  8. Participatory Plant Breeding

Department of Plant Production Elective Courses

  1. Rice and Maize Crop Production
  2. Alternative Food Crop Production
  3. Legume and Tuber Crop Production
  4. Management of Food Crop Production
  5. Double Cropping System
  6. Vegetable Crop Production
  7. Ornamental Plant Production
  8. Management and Quality Control of Horticultural Products
  9. Fruit Crop Production
  10. Hydroponics
  11. Plantation Crop Production for Refreshments
  12. Plantation Crop Production for Sugar and Medicinal Purposes
  13. Plantation Crop Production for Latex and Oil
  14. Management of Plantation Crop Production
  15. Plant Micropropagation Technology
  16. Production and Management of Recalcitrant Plant Seeds
  17. Vegetative Propagation
  18. Herbicide
  19. Specialized Weed Control Techniques
  20. Weed Control Management

Department of Plant Pest and Disease Elective Courses

  1. Pesticides and Application Techniques
  2. Special Laboratory and Field Skills
  3. Observation System – Pest and Disease Forecasting for Plants
  4. Food Crop Protection
  5. Vegetable Crop Protection
  6. Beneficial and Profitable Insects
  7. Urban Pest
  8. Natural Pesticides
  9. Fruit and Ornamental Plant Protection
  10. Plantation Crop Protection
  11. Agricultural Quarantine

Department of Soil Science and Land Resource Management Elective Courses

  1. Watershed Management
  2. Soil Quality
  3. Regional Planning and Land Use Development
  4. Fertilizer Technology and Fertilization
  5. Image and Geographic
  6. Information Systems (GIS) Interpretation
  7. Landscape Analysis
  8. Growing Media Technology
  9. Biofertilization

Cross-Disciplinary Courses

  1. Agribusiness Management
  2. Financing and Banking