Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD) under Dean Meddy Rachmadi signed two Joint Research Agreement (JRA) with two parties on 15 September 2022 to Develop Asian Monsoon Plant Factory System Model in Indonesia, particularly for strawberry cultivation.  The first JRA was between Faculty of Agriculture UNPAD and Program Director of Information of Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) Dr. Miyuki Iiyama and the second one was with CEO of Japan Premium Vegetable Co., Ltd. Mr. Kenji Endo. A part of a project adopted by the “Research intension and promotion program to create innovation” of the Bio-oriented Technology Research Advancement Institution, Japan.

The agreement signed ceremony was held at Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Padjadjaran attended by Vice Dean of Faculty of Agriculture Nono Carsono, CEO of Japan Premium Vegetable Co., Ltd. (JPV) Kenji Endo and CTO of the JPV Dr. Yukinori Matsumoto and UNPAD’s ICHIGO team lead by Prof Reginawanti Hindersah.

The joint research agreements focus on 1) Feasibility of high-yield strawberry production technologies, 2) Optimization of strawberry cultivation system and environmental control inside greenhouse, 3) Development of Strawberry growth model adopts for tropical/subtropical conditions and its zoning, and 4) Application of fruit vegetable (e.g. tomato and strawberry) production system to Indonesia in greenhouse equipped with information technology. The JIRCAS researchers will be involved intensively in various research of strawberry production in the greenhouse.

Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Padjadjaran honored becomes the one of tropical countries to sign such an agreement to strengthen partnerships to expand the scope and scale of collaboration with JIRCAS and JPV. The project begins as soon as the JRA is signed.

We are open and look forward to work together with our partner agencies under several agreement schemes.
