In order to strengthen international collaboration with our collaborator, Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Padjadjaran Universitas has designed online lectures for several courses. This activity was aimed to raise the academic atmosphere experience for lecturer and student. One of our international partnerships is Kazakh National Agrarian Research University (KAZNARU) invited Agrotechnology Study Program lecturer to deliver lecture for four courses that include: Micropropagation in Fruit and Vegetable Crops, Research Methods in the Field Experience, Integrated Plant Protection and Plant Nutrition. Besides, one course is from Agribusiness Study Program, Fundamental of Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship. 

The lectures involve are Dr. Suseno Amien, Dr. Anne Nurbaity, Dr. Fitri Widiantini, Dr. Farida Damayanti, Dr. Hesty Nurul utami and Dr. Muhamad K. Also, credit to Prof. Betty Natalie Fitriatin as Person in Charge in developing this program with KAZNARU.
